Thursday, May 23

1:00 p.m.                             Registration begins
2:00-3:00 p.m.                    Workshop session 1
3:00 p.m.                           Vendor hall opens
3:20-4:20 p.m.                    Workshop session 2
4:40-5:40 p.m.                    Workshop session 3
7:15-8:00 p.m.                  . Regional gatherings
7:30-9:30 p.m.                    Teen and alumni dance (Gallery)
8:00 p.m.                            Vendor hall closes
8:00-8:45 p.m.                    Special gatherings

Friday, May 24

8:30 a.m.                             Registration begins
9:00-10:30 a.m.                  General session and keynote address
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.          College Fair, Garden Terrace, Embassy Suites
10:30 a.m.                          Vendor hall opens
11:00-noon                         Workshop session 4
12:20-1:20 p.m.                  Workshop session 5
1:40-2:40 p.m.                    Workshop session 6
3:00-4:00 p.m.                    Workshop session 7
4:20-5:20 p.m.                    Workshop session 8
7:30 p.m.                            Vendor hall closes for the day
7:30-9:00 p.m.                   General session and keynote address (Salem)
7:30-9:30 p.m.                   Teen and alumni games (Gallery)

Saturday, May 25

8:30 a.m.                            Registration begins
9:00-10:30 a.m.                 General session and keynote address
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.          Trades Fair, Garden Terrace, Embassy Suites
10:30 a.m.                          Vendor hall opens
11:00-noon                         Workshop session 9
12:20-1:20 p.m.                  Workshop session 10
1:40-2:40 p.m.                    Workshop session 11
4:00 p.m.                           Vendor hall closes
5:00 p.m.                          Graduation ceremonies

2024 Conference Workshop Schedule

The letters before the talks represent the following interest codes for talks.
G: General interest to all parents
B: Beginners and inquirers
L: Parents of struggling learners
Y: Parents of young children preschool to early elementary
O: Parents of older elementary age (may include middle school)
P: Parents of teens (and possibly teens)
D: Dads
M: Mom
T: Teens and alums

Session 1 Thursday 2:00-3:00 p.m.

G            Vicki Bentley, Organizing Your Home – Creating a Lifestyle Learning Environment—Vicki will help you decide what is important to your family, where you need to begin, and will discuss physical organizational challenges unique to homeschoolers. Vicki Bentley, fellow busy homeschool mom, shares practical ideas that have helped her manage her household. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #1

GT          Wil and Meeke Addison, Bridging the Racial Divide: The Realistic Solution to America’s Ethnic and Cultural Problems—Do the Word of God and the history of the Church help us navigate hostile territory? Certainly. When we dig into the Word and acknowledge the legacy of the Body of Christ, we win critical battles. Christians don’t have to run from our history; we must know it and share it as we demolish arguments. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #2

L             Kwan Graham, Financial Resources for Homeschooling Struggling Learners—North Carolina provides funding for homeschool students with disabilities through the ESA+ program. Funds may be used to for expenses such as curriculum, speech therapy, tutoring services, and educational technology. Eligible students may receive an annual award of $9,000, and some students may qualify for as much as $17,000. Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina’s Kwan Graham will provide an overview of the program, eligibility guidelines, qualified expenses, and the steps to take between now and the opening of the application on February 1, 2025. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #3

G            Marji McIlvaine, Homeschooling, Foreign Languages, and Me—Can We Make This Work?Yes we can! And we can have fun with it and be effective! There are so many possibilities—how do we choose? How can we make it effective? What should you look for in a curriculum? What level of proficiency should you expect? Is your kindergartner too young? How about high school credit? What if my child is dyslexic? Why isn’t my child speaking the language when I bought lots of curriculum? Come experience some of the different methods and learn effective tools. Learn to adapt your curriculum with these ideas. Listen, ponder, make your choices, go home and have fun with your kids! (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #4

G            Todd Wilson, Raising Politically Incorrect Pink and Blue Kids in a Purple World—All children are created equal. Girls and boys have equal importance and significance, but there are certain responsibilities that we need to train our boys and girls differently. It’s not archaic or about inequality, it’s biblical parenting, and our children need us to prepare them for the future. Join Todd as he tackles this sticky topic and combines laughter, truth, and practicality together for a vital topic in today’s wacky and purple world. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #5

B            Mike & Ronda Marshall, Getting Off to a Great Start—Are you new to homeschooling or within the first three years? Homeschooling is an adventure, a new lifestyle and a journey like no other. Feeling nervous and unsure of yourself is completely normal. Come learn the things that we wish we had known when we began homeschooling 26 years ago. This seminar covers the basics of homeschooling, the common pitfalls for beginners, and includes important tips to get off to a great start! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #6

G            Jeff and Luke Ertzberger, The ABCs of AI—Want to know what all the talk is about regarding Artificial Intelligence and education? You may have heard about ChatGPT or DALL-E but are unsure how these tools could be used in education. What do these tools do, and should they be a part of your homeschool curriculum? This workshop will give homeschool educators hands-on time to view text and photo AI generators. We will focus on practical ways for you and your students to use these tools in your homeschool. Jeff will be joined by his son, Luke, for this workshop. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #7

TG          Laura Zifer Powell, Is God Really Good: Violence in the Scriptures & Church History—The attacks on God’s character seem to come from all directions. atheists, Muslims, Jews, and so-called progressive Christians all object to God’s goodness based on violence in the Old Testament and in church history. Are the accusations true? Is God a moral monster? Did God command genocide in the conquest of Canaan? Were the Crusades further evidence that Christianity is just as violent as any other worldview? How do we respond to those who make these claims? Join us for a closer look at these events and to become equipped to give an answer to these increasingly common objections. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #8

Session 2 Thursday 3:20-4:20 p.m.

LYO       Sandy Smith, The Importance of Movement in Early Brain Development—”We do not learn to move, we move in order to learn” (B. Lamont). We know, intuitively, that babies and young children love to move, but sometimes, we need a reminder of how important movement is to our healthy brain development. In this workshop we will introduce The Developmental Sequence but will emphasize the important role of movement for brain growth and maturity. We will talk about movement patterns as a window into brain development and academic and behavioral stability and how movement activities can be used to promote neurological growth. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #9

G            Jared Dodd, 16 Essentials for Your Child’s Success—Kingdom parents need to have a biblical philosophy of education. Many Christian children are schooled but not educated. This is a step by step through what is truly essential. (examples include: knowing history, being good with money, knowing apologetics, having a good work ethic, being skilled, etc.). (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #10

M            Kristi Clover, Finding the Balance between Your Life and Your HomeschoolRegardless of whether you are a stay at home mom, have a side business, work full-time, help run a ministry, or are just trying to manage your home along with your homeschool, managing all that you have going on is hard work. Trying to “get it all done” seems impossible at times. This workshop is designed to help you organize your schedule to maximize your time. You’d be surprised just how much you can accomplish with a little bit of prioritizing. Get your pens ready to take notes as Kristi Clover shares some of her best “hacks” for juggling homeschooling with life. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #11

YO         Kathryn (Bell) Gomes, Living Math: Teaching Off the Page in the Charlotte Mason Style—Math is often taught in isolation, disconnected from the world and the daily experiences of our kids. But math is meant to be taught in context, connected topic by topic to real-life problems and scenarios. Many of us know this but moving beyond workbooks feels daunting and mysterious. Exactly how are we supposed to bring math to life? Kathryn will show you how to invigorate your math program in 3 steps during this Charlotte Mason-inspired math session. You’ll walk away with fresh vision and practical tips that you can start using right away. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #12

G            Renton Rathbun, LGBTQ+ Ideology: What Our Children Are Facing and How to Respond—Today, we are inundated with LGBTQ+ indoctrination via social media, entertainment, and personal friendships. Now there are movements, even within the church, that have accepted varying degrees of LGBTQ+ affirmation. Christian parents and their teens can take steps to address this issue biblically. In this session, we will explore how biblical worldview strategies can shape our thinking about these concepts. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #13

OP          Janice Broyles, Powerful and Profound: Find Student’s Voice through Writing—Writing is an important outlet for students to share their ideas, opinions, and reflections. This workshop highlights writing activities designed to get middle and high school students writing, sharing their ideas, and developing critical thinking. We’ll discuss “powerful and profound” writing examples: persuasive writing, reflective writing, informative writing, and creative writing. With this workshop, your student’s writing will move to the next level! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #14

P             Pat Wesolowski, Gifts, Talents and Entrepreneurship—Don’t wait until your students are in high school to begin teaching economics, financial planning and entrepreneurship. As homeschooling parents, we have the time and the freedom to help our children discover their gifts and talents before they leave home. Your teens have an idea of which career, vocation, and/or ministry to pursue after high school. The sooner they formulate a plan, the sooner they can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Our teens can become entrepreneurs with multiple streams of passive income, preparing them financially to go and be and be whatever they are called to do. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #15

T             Steve Noble, Politics—Nasty but Necessary—I’ve been teaching civics to homeschoolers since 2012 and was a Christian talk radio show host for 16 years and a political activist to boot. Most of my students take the class because mom and dad make them, but by the time it’s over, they understand why civics is such an important topic. Ignorance is killing America as much as the Spirit of the Age. Don’t be part of the problem. Wake up to the reality that your future is being shaped and impacted—to a large extent—by government, and you need to understand why it’s happening and what you can do as a Christian to push back. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #16

Session 3 Thursday, 4:40-5:40 p.m.

G            Ann Troast, Applying the Principles of Minimalism to Homeschooling—Are you inspired by Charlotte Mason’s philosophy, but overwhelmed with how to serve an educational feast to your children? I will share how applying the principles of minimalism to your weekly lessons will result in a rich education, a joyful home atmosphere, and the abundant life you were created for. I’ll will walk you through narrowing down your priorities, eliminating clutter in your homeschool, and focusing on quality over quantity. “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” -Charlotte Mason (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #17

G            Meeke Addison, For His Glory Alone—When we tell our kids to live for the glory of God, we assume they understand what this means. In this presentation, Meeke walks through a practical means by which we may teach our children how to live so that God may go public through them. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #18

G            Kristi Clover, Homeschooling with Multiple Ages in the HouseHow do you homeschool your “bigs” when you have “littles?” This is probably one of the hardest obstacles to homeschooling! The constant juggling act that has to be performed when there is more than one child in the house can tire out even the most experienced homeschool mom. How do you handle a history lesson with one child, math problems with another, phonics with your pre-reader, tantrums from your toddler, & nurse your baby—all at the same time. This workshop will offer you handy tools and practical tips on how to better manage the circus act of homeschooling multiple children. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #19

LYO       Julia Nalle, When Your Struggling Learner Hates, Struggles, or Refuses to Read—Is your child a struggling reader? Do books intimidate and frustrate? Are you longing to get on the literature-based bandwagon but can’t see how it will work? Literature is not a lost cause. Bring on the books. Come along as Julia Nalle, co-author of BiblioPlan shares her own journey with struggling, readers and ways she has adjusted to meet their needs. In this session, she will share 25 + practical and fun strategies to help your struggling learner get the most out of a literature-based curriculum. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #20

G            Todd Wilson, The Gift—When we began our homeschooling journey, we asked ourselves, “Will we be able to teach them all they need to know?” There were so many options and subjects to teach them. They were loaned to us to us knowing almost nothing, and we were expected to fill up their noggins and prepare them for adulthood. Little did we know then that homeschooling turned out to be not only what we taught them, but what they taught us. Never would we have believed how God would use homeschooling to teach us what he needed us to know as parents, homeschoolers, and as His children. So join me for an intimate time of sharing and laughing at the lessons my children taught me. My hope is that you’ll start to view your homeschool day as a gift. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #21

P             Amanda Wares, Homeschooling High School How-TosHomeschooling high school—those 3 little words strike fear and anxiety into many hearts, even if you have been homeschooling for years! In this workshop, Amanda will break down the process of homeschooling for high school, discuss graduation requirements, transcripts, credits, college applications, and so much more. She will share what she’s learned from her 19 years of homeschooling experience and graduating 3 kids from her homeschool (so far). You will leave feeling less stressed and more equipped to homeschool high school! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #22

TG          Paul Cwik, Is Capitalism Moral? Countering Socialist Arguments—What is capitalism? The evidence is clear that capitalism produces more wealth than any other economic method, but is it worth it if it is an immoral system? Does capitalism really create a framework that exploits the poor and favors the rich? Is capitalism an immoral system that should be replaced by a socialist economy? Using humor, logic, and some common sense, you will learn the tools to explain what a free market is and how to respond to socialists’ arguments. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #23

Leaders  Vicki Bentley, L.E.A.D. with JOY—As former HSLDA Group Services director and veteran state and local group leader, Vicki shares four steps to joyful support group leadership. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #24

Friday Morning Keynote 9:00-10:30 a.m.

Wil and Meeke Addison, The Heart of the Homeschool—We’re all set. We’ve got the curriculum, the co-op, and the extra-curricular activities. The days shape up nicely—but what about Christ? Have we neglected the primary reason for homeschooling? In this presentation, Meeke and Wil encourage parents to check the heartbeat of their homeschool. The end of homeschooling isn’t homeschooling or even education (gasp). Might we be missing this fact in the growing popularity of homeschooling and the busyness of community? (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #25

Session 4 Friday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

G            Vicki Bentley, Homeschooling on a Shoestring Budget—Homeschooling doesn’t have to cost hundreds of dollars per child. Vicki homeschooled seven at a time while their family was without a full-time income for four years, sometimes spending less than $100 per year. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #26

G            Deb Weakly, Homeschooling by Faith—Friend, God has great plans for your homeschool that are exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or imagine. He really does! No matter your level of education or organization, God can do anything, and He will help you homeschool your children as you come to Him. Join Deb Weakly from Help Club for Moms for encouragement, ideas, and practical advice to help you have the best homeschool year ever! (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #27

G            Inga Masek, Mindset Makeover: Embrace Imperfection in Homeschooling—Tired of chasing perfection in homeschooling? Let’s free you from the stress of being the “perfect” homeschooling mom. Discover relatable strategies to shed unrealistic expectations and embrace authenticity. Celebrate progress, not perfection, and rest in the knowledge that God can use you just as you are. Join us for a transformative journey towards a more joyful homeschooling experience. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #28

G            Kathryn (Bell) Gomes, What My Mom Did Right, What My Mom Did Wrong (Thoughts from a 2nd Generation Homeschooler)—What will your kids think about homeschooling when they’re adults? Kathryn was homeschooled and is now homeschooling her own three kids. Looking back, she reflects on her experiences and those of her siblings. In this tell-all session, Kathryn shares six things she’s grateful for and four that she would go back and change. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #29

G            Todd Wilson, Get REAL!—Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight—that’s not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they’re letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being real. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #30

P             Natalie Mack, You Can Graduate Children to College—One of the concerns many homeschoolers have is how to graduate their child to college. Don’t allow fear and lack of confidence to cause you to jump ship. High school is the same ship but different water. Let’s discuss embarking upon this journey from high school to college with confidence and learn some tools to navigate this successfully. (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #31

BY         Katie Dugdale, Getting Started with Preschool and Kindergarten—One of the questions I see come up over and over again in our local homeschool community is “What do I need to start homeschooling?” This question most often comes from moms of young children. They are ready to jump in with everything they’ve got. My encouragement is to slow down and not stress. Enjoy these preschool and kindergarten years. While learning to read and write are important, they are not the most important thing for these young years. Building trust and a love of learning are crucial. How can one teach those things? I will share some tricks of the trade I’ve learned along the way. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #32

T             Steve Noble, Living Out Your Faith in a Culture that (Sometimes) Hates You—Jesus brought some hard truths to the 1st century culture. Some people loved him while others hated him. Some things never change. America is becoming increasingly secular and anti-Christian attitudes and behaviors are gaining ground. Homeschooling brings with it a unique set of challenges. Welcome to life as a Christ-follower. So, how do you live it out successfully? How do you relate to and interact with outsiders? How do you handle relationships with the LGBTQ people in your life? How do you stand strong in the faith despite opposition, rejection, and outright hatred? (Gallery) CD/MP3 #33

Session 5 Friday 12:20-1:20 p.m.

G            Ann Troast, The Art of Joyful History Lessons—Charlotte Mason emphasized the importance of learning the history of our native country, a neighboring country, and the world. I’ll share helpful resources and tips on how to integrate geography, literature, art, music, movement, and nature study into your history lessons —resulting in a joyful education. “Our aim in education is to give a full life.” -Charlotte Mason (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #34

G            Wil Addison, Psalm 78: The Route to an Awakening—God has given us through the family a pathway for our children to receive the Gospel. The home should be the first place that our children are presented how to know Christ. Psalm 78, in its first few verses, show how the commands of the Lord and his precepts are to be passed down generationally. We explore from this chapter and others how God intended that our children would hear the Word of God and see the Word of God lived in front of them as a testament to why they should follow the God of their parents. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #35

M            Kristi Clover, Sanity Savers for a Homeschool Mom—Attaining sanity in the midst of motherhood sometimes seems like an impossible task. Motherhood by definition is often a bit chaotic—throw in homeschooling—and you have the making of a perfect storm. Life can be stressful and messy. Some days can bring you to the brink of insanity. Based on the tips outlined in her new book, Kristi walks you through her 7 Simple Solutions for a More Joy-filled Life. This workshop is a must for any homeschool mom who has ever felt a bit overwhelmed. It will leave you encouraged that you are not alone in this journey of motherhood. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #36

PT           Marji McIlvaine, Online Instruction: How to Succeed!—So you are homeschooling, and you are fully or partially virtual. Why isn’t it working? How can I help my kid succeed here? Marji’s experience with online instruction includes the student side, the parent side and the teacher side. She has homeschooled with no virtual classes and with them—some excellent, some terrible. She has “been there, done that” and seen the pros and cons from both sides—information only a handful of people can offer. These tips are for both students and parents and come from years of observing and experiencing students succeeding and failing. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #37

GT          Renton Rathbun, How We Are Getting Biblical Worldview Wrong—Recently, the word “worldview” has become a household word particularly within the homeschool community. But few will admit we’ve been getting it wrong. In this talk, we discuss a useful definition of biblical worldview and investigate how it can affect homeschooling and shaping ours and our children’s minds. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #38

L             Janice Broyles, Writing for the Struggling Learner—Does your child struggle with writing? Is it a constant battle to get your child to write anything? You are not alone! Young people often struggle with getting their thoughts on paper and may battle with any writing activity. This session offers practical advice that will explore why children struggle with writing and how to encourage them to overcome this challenge. Sample lessons and step-by step guidelines will be provided that are tried and true tactics from a veteran English instructor! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #39

G            Justin Nale, The Aim of Education—The aim of all education is to know God. If God created this world then everything we study in His world should increase our confindence in what we know about His Word. The second aim of education is to build godly character. We want to raise children who are kind and honor God. The third aim is the development of skills. Skills apply across different callings. The skills that a student learns while using a subject are what help shape and make a person who they are. The last aim is to use content that is going to serve, rather than take away, from their development as godly adults. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #40

TG          Marcus Ross, Dinosaurs: Fuzzy, with a Chance of Feathers—Dinosaurs have captured the public’s imagination since they were first recognized as distinct creatures in the mid-1800s. But things have changed A LOT about how we view dinosaurs since then. Scientists talk of birds as being dinosaurs with feathers, and things can get confusing. Creation paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross will walk you through the evidence and inference towards a better understanding of dinosaurs and birds. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #41

Session 6 Friday 1:40-2:40 p.m.

B            Vicki Bentley, Exploring Curriculum Options—Mom of 17 homeschooled students and curriculum counselor for a statewide homeschool organization, Vicki shares the secrets to mapping out a successful course of study for your children. This workshop helps beginners to get a solid start in home education, and encourages veterans to re-examine goals and priorities. This workshop includes a basic overview of different teaching approaches. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #42

P             Deb Weakly, How Do I Reach My Teen’s (and Young Adult’s) Heart?—It’s so hard when your child goes through a season of pulling away or doubting their faith. They might move out, hang out with friends you don’t approve of, or choose not to attend church. It is a hard time for sure, but God will help you not only survive this season, but He can also help you thrive! Join Deb from Help Club for Moms for encouragement and practical ideas to help you reach your child’s heart and create a close relationship with your teen or young adult to last a lifetime! (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #43

G            Debbie Mason, A Homeschool Veteran’s Top Advice to Pass Along—After 25 years of homeschooling, what does this homeschool veteran see as the most important advice to pass along to those still in the trenches of parenting and homeschooling? Debbie will cover topics for all ages, from birth to young adulthood. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #44

M            Dana McDill, Loving Your Children (Harder Than We Think)—Of course you love your children, right? The Bible tells us that the older women are to teach the younger women how to love their children. So, apparently, there is something that does not come naturally to us about loving our children. In this session, Dana will discuss some specific ways we are called to love our children. These principles go beyond the feeling of love toward our children. She will share from God’s Word and from ways she has learned these lessons herself—some the hard way. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #45

G            Todd Wilson, Common Mistakes Homeschool Parents Make—The homeschool movement coined and promoted the idea of fostering a love of learning, and yet, most homeschooling moms have fostered a hate of learning. Instead of inspiring their children to love exploration, discovery, and learning, all of which homeschool should foster, moms find their children fighting them tooth and nail to “do school.” Let me just say from the start that I believe homeschooling and learning should be fun for our children and us. Its very design enables learning to be experienced in a way no public or private school can provide. So why is it not the case in most homeschools? I think the answer is simple: we’ve believed and adopted some ideas that are not true and that kill inspiration and the love of learning. Join me as we talk about helping our children love to learn. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #46

G            Mike & Ronda Marshall, I’m Worn-Out, Going Crazy, & Making My Kids Stupid, Please Help—Have you ever felt this way? If so, please join us for this workshop for both husbands and wives. This seminar focuses on real vs. false expectations, barriers to overcome and the most important areas to focus on when homeschooling. If you are finding yourself lacking motivation in your schooling and wonder if you can make it to the end, come for encouragement and ideas to help you along the way! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #47

G            Rachel Anderson, Mom, Don’t Make Me Think—Just Tell Me the Answer—As a teacher, it’s so easy to give the answer, isn’t it? How long do you allow a child to think before you start helping him? Sometimes, we need to be quiet and let them wrestle with the problem to discover the answer. Did you know that children will learn better and remember things longer when they discover the solution? The goal is to provide a way for them to learn how to solve problems. How might you go about doing this? Come to this workshop and find out how to help your child think their way through math. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #48

T             Steve Noble, Identity—Where Are You Rooted?—Who or what are you looking to in order to define your self-worth, to tell you who you are, or who you should be? Is it friends, the opposite sex, social media, performance, looks, or your parents? The world tells you to follow your heart, to live out your truth—you do you. So, how is that working out? Suicide rates, depression, and anxiety are at historic highs for teenagers—1 in 4 high school students now identify as LGBTQ—and more than 50% of church kids leave the faith after high school. Please join me as we search for a way through all the noise to find a firm foundation. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #49

Session 7 Friday 3:00-4:00 p.m.

G            Ann Troast, How to Explore Nature when You’d Rather Be Inside—Do you have an aversion to bugs, rain, and poison ivy? Would you rather watch nature on a screen than go outdoors for a hike? Nature study is the foundation of science and valuable for every student. Learn practical tips that even the most “indoorsy” homeschooler can implement so that you and your children don’t miss out on essential adventures in nature. Let’s reclaim our childlike wonder and join our children in exploring God’s beautiful creation! “Never be within doors when you can rightly be without.” -Charlotte Mason (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #50

G            Meeke Addison, Culture-Proof: How to Grow the Resistance—In this presentation, Meeke explores the best way to grow Christian children who are able to resist the strong pull of the culture. Learn a new term: Culture-proof. Learn how to do it and what results you should expect. The loss of generations of Christian kids should be enough to force the question, “How do we help them resist?” (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #51

M            Kristi Clover, Homeschool Organization Made Easy—There are so many things to juggle—and so much stuff that comes with homeschooling! Books seem to take over. Paper doesn’t really seem to have a “home.” Just getting your homeschool day up and running takes longer than you ever imagined. Organizing your homeschool doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Whether you are a veteran looking for some fresh ideas or totally new to homeschooling, this workshop is filled with practical tips and advice on how to plan out your year, simplify your day, motivate your kids—and free up your family time so you can all have more fun! (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #52

Y            Kathryn (Bell) Gomes, Toddlers in Tow: What to Do with Your Littlest Ones While You Homeschool—There is nothing like a baby or toddler to foil the best-laid plans of any homeschool parent. While our littlest ones can seem like a constant disruption, they are a part of God’s plan for our families and our homeschools. In this session, Kathryn will give you fresh inspiration for folding the cuddliest members of your family into your homeschool. She also shares practical tips she has gleaned from homeschool veterans and her own experiences. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #53

OP          Matthew McDill, Raising Life-Long Learners—You will not be able to impart all the facts and teach all the skills your children will need for life before they leave your home! But you can give them the skills needed to be a life-long learner. Do they know how to find, understand, evaluate, and synthesize important information? Matthew will share some critical learning skills from the book, How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren. This workshop will help you release your children into life with confidence that they can learn anything and everything necessary for success! (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #54

M            Amanda Wares, The Girlfriend’s Guide to Homeschooling—Welcome to the Girlfriend’s Guide to Homeschooling or All the Things No One Else Will Tell You! In this lighthearted talk, we will take a look at the top 10 truths about homeschooling that most people really don’t talk about. Come and be encouraged as we laugh (and maybe shed a tear or two as well) together! (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #55

P             Takeila Hall, Better FAFSA: The First Step in the Financial Aid Process—The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has undergone significant changes for the first time in decades, so it is long overdue! These changes will connect more students with more funds for college, but to tackle the new process, there are some important updates you need to know about. In this session, we will equip you with the necessary tools to better understand the updated financial aid process and the resources available to help pay for college. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #56

GT          Jeff Zenger, Kingdom Politics, Homeschooling and Public Service—This workshop is dedicated to our responsibility to politics and service. We will specifically speak to duty and opportunity among Christians and homeschooling from our own personal experience serving God and the public. We will also touch on historical precedence for service as Christians. We will have a great discussion and question and answer opportunities. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #57

Session 8 Friday 4:20-5:20 p.m.

M            Vicki Bentley, Juggling Life and Lesson Plans—As a busy mom, do you sometimes struggle with lesson planning, keeping the house somewhat presentable, teaching, keeping up with the laundry, and getting dinner on the table the same day you homeschool? Learn to apply nine truths of juggling skills, to take your homeschool household from sanity-defying circus act to a more joyful journey! (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #58

B            Bobby Dixon, Getting to Know the NC Division of Non-Public Education—The workshop will provide an introduction of the director and a handful of staff who will provide an overview of the division and our role as partner and support for families who homeschool their children. We will also provide an opportunity for a question and answer session, an overview of our website and our homeschool portal. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #59

G            Inga Masek, The Art of Celebration: Why It Matters in Homeschooling—Have you ever taken the time to celebrate? To truly savor the victories, no matter how small, along your homeschooling journey? Join us as we delve into the significance of celebration in homeschooling. Explore how it enhances motivation, fosters stronger family connections, and helps you bounce back from challenges. Gain practical tools and engage in hands-on activities to embrace the art of celebration. Get ready to celebrate! (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #60

G            Kathryn (Bell) Gomes, Learning How to Learn: How Neuroscience Can Help You Homeschool More Effectively—Have you ever wondered why your child lost so much ground over the summer? Or why their frustration in a certain subject just keeps snowballing? Neuroscience is exploding as a field right now and we know more about the brain and how we learn and retain new information than ever before. The brain is an amazing part of God’s design and the latest research can help us work with that design instead of against it. In this session, Kathryn summarizes the research she found most helpful as a homeschool mom and offers practical tips on how to apply it to your homeschool day. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #61

D            Todd Wilson, Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad!—You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it’s your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don’t worry, I won’t make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is—fathering. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #62

PT           Natalie Mack, The Value of Extracurriculars—Academics has its place but extracurriculars add an additional benefit for homeschooled students, especially in the high school years. Highschoolers who are applying for college and scholarships must answer the question—what did you do in addition to getting good grades? This workshop will discuss the value of extracurriculars and offer a view into some of the lesser known but extremely beneficial ones like Congressional Award, Beta Club,  and 4-H. (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #63

Y            Michelle Gano, Playful Mind, Powerful Future: Practical Tips for Hands-on Learning—Enhance learning for both you and your kids with our workshop on making education engaging. Uncover why hands-on experiences are key for optimal learning and leave with a list of simple activities using items you already have at home. Join us for an enjoyable session, gaining practical steps to infuse fun into home learning, even amid a hectic schedule. Your kids will thank you! By nurturing their playful, creative minds today, we’re setting the stage for their powerful futures. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #64

T             Steve Noble, Dealing with Doubt—I never assume all my students are authentic, biblical Christians. The vast majority have grown up in the church and done all the right church things, but that doesn’t make you a believer any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Come join me for an open and honest discussion about dealing with any doubts you may have, and how to advance in your Christian journey while sometimes struggling with your faith.  (Gallery) CD/MP3 #65

Friday Night Keynote 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Steve Noble, Christian Ethics: Is Your Student Ready for the Culture War?—Abortion, transgenderism, environmentalism, racism, euthanasia, war and peace, poverty, immigration, sexual ethics—most of our students know where they are supposed to stand on these hot topics from a Christian perspective, but do they know why? Additionally, they may have the right positions but are afraid to voice them publicly. Is it possible to speak the truth on these subjects while remaining winsome inside hostile territory? Believe it or not, it is and with a Gospel heart. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #66

Saturday Keynote 9:00-10:30 a.m.

Todd Wilson, The Four Homeschool Temperaments—Are you frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn’t seem to work for you, or what works for one of your children doesn’t work for all your children? Come discover the four homeschool temperaments. You’ll discover if you’re a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. You’ll laugh, nod your head in agreement and find yourself saying, “That finally makes sense.” During our time together we’ll discuss tips for each temperament, how to teach your children who may not be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #67

Session 9 Saturday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon

G      Vicki Bentley, When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool—You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then—life happened. How do you find “normal” again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you’re on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation. (There is some focus on specific life crises.) (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #68

GT          Meeke Addison, Critical Race Theory: A Different Gospel—What is CRT? Does the Church need it as an analytical tool? Not at all. When we trace the origins of this philosophy of man, we find it incompatible with biblical Christianity. In fact, we find it’s a different gospel. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #69

M            Kristi Clover, Quitting the Comparison Game—God created you to be YOU! I’m on a mission to help Christian women discover who they are in Christ and joyfully live out the life God has for them. You have unique gifts that He wants to use for His glory even as you are going about your day at home. With the growth of social media, the comparison game has become an almost unavoidable stumbling block. Discontentment and envy can easily sneak their way into our hearts and minds if we don’t guard against them. This workshop is designed to encourage you to get out of the comparison game and focus on what unique ways God wants to use you. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #70

G            Julia Nalle, Multi-Age, Multi-Grade? All Together without Mom Losing Her Mind!—Are you longing to find ways in your day to bring all your children together around the table? Do you need refreshing tips that show you how to combine subjects in a way that meets the needs of all your children? Are you wondering which subjects you can do together? Spend some time with Julia as she shares numerous practical helps for teaching history, literature, writing, Bible, geography, art, science and more across multi‐age levels drawing from both a classical style and a Charlotte Mason approach. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #71

OP          Matthew McDill, Ten Essential Topics for Discipling Your Children—More than anything else, Christian parents desire for their children to have a dynamic, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We know that God has given us the amazing privilege of helping our children to follow Jesus. Unfortunately, most parents today were never discipled or do not feel equipped to effectively disciple their children. In this session, we will cover ten essential topics to be sure and include in the discipleship of your children. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #72

B            Jessica Frierson, Five Needs of the Homeschool Child—The idea of homeschooling your child can be overwhelming, especially with all of the outside voices adding to your own concerns of having what it takes. Gleaning from over twenty years of homeschool experience, Jessica breaks it down into the five basic needs every child has. She then shares tips on meeting those needs in a home education setting. (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #73

P             Luke and Jeff Ertzberger, Reflection of a Homeschool Graduate on College Application Process—For many high school juniors and seniors who were homeschooled, the college application process can be a bit overwhelming. With terms like transcripts, ACTs, transfer credits, and more, it’s easy to feel lost. That’s why this session, led by a student who has recently gone through the process, will provide a comprehensive review of the major areas you need to cover to prepare your homeschooled student for college applications. By the end of the session, you’ll feel confident and equipped to help your student succeed. Luke will be joined by his father, Jeff, for this workshop. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #74

TG          Marcus Ross, Creation and Evolution: Where We Stand Today—The debate over creation and evolution continues to dominate headlines and web pages every year. From scientific discoveries and family attractions to debates and movies, the topic persists because it dives  into the issues of our own origins. Come get the current view of the field from an expert in the topic without the rancor and name-calling that is sadly common to this hot-button topic. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #75

Session 10 Saturday 12:20-1:20 p.m.

L             Cheryl Vandegrift, Helping Your Neurodiverse Child Thrive—While information on neurodiversity is becoming more available, it is often incorrect and actually harmful to ND children. Unfortunately, the voices of autistic and other ND people are not being included and the results can be less than helpful. Join Cheryl and as she sets the record straight on many topics and help you improve the quality of life for your ND family member and your family dynamics as a whole. Receive actionable advice for everyday situations and homeschooling, and hopefully reduces recurring frustrations. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #76

G            Jared Dodd, 7 Mistakes that Many Parents Make—The Scripture says that we are to be aware of the Devil’s schemes. Here we identify seven traps of the enemy that most Christian parents are involved in unawares. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #77

G            Casey Townsend, You Can Start a Co-op!—Your area needs a co-op, and you’ve felt the pull to start a co-op but you’re unsure if it can be done. Are you qualified? Are you capable? Can a regular person like me even start one? The answer to all those questions is “Yes!” This session will guide you on the path to leading a successful co-op in your area and encourage you in the abilities you already have as a homeschooler. (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #78

G            Kathryn (Bell) Gomes, 5 Ways God Used Homeschooling to Strengthen My Faith and Prepare Me to Engage the World—There will always be a math lesson, science project, or research paper clamoring for your immediate attention. But what about the bigger picture? How is God using homeschooling to work in your child’s heart? In this session, Kathryn shares how God used homeschooling to build her faith and develop her character and how that is giving her a vision for her own kids. Drawing on examples from her own life, she’ll bring a fresh reminder of how the challenges that your child is facing today are preparing him or her for a life of service in God’s kingdom. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #79

G            Todd Wilson, Choose the Hard Things or How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up—Homeschooling is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage, well, that’s way hard. And that’s OK and even normal. The trouble is we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap, and at the same time, we want successful results. But the truth is that good things are hard, and hard things are good. Sadly, most people don’t ever experience the good because they can’t handle the hard. They put the hard thing off, hoping it will get easier, or they avoid it all together, and all they end up with is a pile of regrets. Here’s the good news: you can handle the hard. In fact, if you’re faced with two choices, pick hard. During this hour, you’ll laugh with Todd as he shares how to embrace the hardness while keeping your eye on the joy and experience God’s best for you. (Salem 2) CD/MP3 #80

G            Natalie Mack, Military Homeschooling 101—Homeschooling for military families has always been a viable educational option. What are some of the reasons military families homeschool, how do we navigate a PCS (relocation) while homeschooling and how do we get connected at our next duty station? This workshop will arm you, the military family, with the tools to navigate this process with confidence and success. (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #81

P             Katie Dugdale, Delight Directed High School—Early on, our family adopted a delight-directed approach to homeschooling. When we entered the high school years, I panicked that it wasn’t enough. I worried that I was failing my children and scrambled to make sure we were getting all the necessary classes accomplished. My son pushed back and questioned this new direction which seemed to forsake the philosophy on which we had built our homeschool. With some creative problem-solving, we developed our vision for the high school years that developed independent learning, discovering and following passion, and preparing to launch into adulthood. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #82

T             Steve Noble, I Hated History Too—Why should you spend hours and hours memorizing dates, the names of dead people, and events that happened hundreds and even thousands of years ago? YOU SHOULDN’T! When it comes to studying history—American or world—the most important thing is to think rather than to memorize! King Solomon was right—there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). I don’t care where we go or when we go there, studying history through a biblical lens will unlock a level of understanding that will help you navigate and understand the world as it is today! Plus, you can have fun and be amazed, too. (Gallery) CD/MP3 #83

Session 11 Saturday 1:40-2:40 p.m.

G            Vicki Bentley, Getting Kids to Help at Home: Training in Diligence and Thoroughness—You know you need to let the children be more involved in helping at home for training them in character and in practical skills, and for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to almost 50 children will share tips and practical helps that have enabled her to homeschool 17 children and still be able to open the front door to guests. (Winston 1) CD/MP3 #84

D            Wil Addison, Point Guard Parenting—How do we set our families up to succeed? In the presentation, Wil talks directly to fathers about the importance of their roles. The success of the family does not depend on charisma. See intentional parenting in a way you’ve never seen it before. (Winston 2) CD/MP3 #85

M            Kristi Clover, Stop Trying to Do Too Much! Simplify What & How You’re Teaching!Homeschool families tend to bite off more than they can chew when it comes to curriculum choices. We fall in love with all the “shiny and fun” curriculum without coming up with a game plan for how to implement it all. Oftentimes, we need to simplify what we are doing and even (gasp) ditch a little curriculum here and there. This practical workshop is filled with creative ideas on how to supplement what you are already doing and easily plan out a simpler homeschool year (maybe even without curriculum for some subjects). (Winston 3) CD/MP3 #86

G            Francie Black, How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online—Tech Tools & Tips—How much time does your child spend online? What sites are they visiting? Hear about the pros & cons of various technologies and free solutions to help monitor your child’s online activity. There are hundreds of choices. What is good & easy? You will get hours of research condensed into a short presentation that will save you time and money. (Salem 1) CD/MP3 #87

OP          Susannah, Killian, Katrielle, & Deacon Wares, Homeschooling from a Homeschoolee’s Perspective—This workshop is designed as an opportunity to showcase the perspectives of 3 homeschool alumni (ages 27, 23, 20) and 1 current homeschool student (age 14). Prospective and experienced homeschool parents can get an inside scoop on what homeschooling is from the child’s perspective. (Salem 3) CD/MP3 #88

L             Rachel Anderson, Learning Challenges in Math? Challenge No More!—Teaching math is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges, and you may end up becoming discouraged and be tempted to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are not alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t get math, we can help. In this workshop, you will learn teaching strategies and techniques that will help a child with learning challenges learn. (Gaines) CD/MP3 #89

PTL        Mandie Rose, Teaching the Trades—College isn’t the best post high school gig for everyone. How in the world do you explore the trades with your students—and when? And what are the options if your student is bent that direction? What are some careers that are suited to hands-on learners with an insatiable curiosity? What could that career look like, and what is your plan to prepare them adequately? Mandie will take you from big picture to practical first steps to help that student become a tradesman, entrepreneur, and/or professional. The opportunities are endless. Let’s get started! (Gallery) CD/MP3 #90
