Volunteer: Serve with NCHE
Do you have a passion for home education? If so, then NCHE may be just the place for you to enjoy using your talents and serve homeschoolers! There is a lot of work to be done and we need a lot of help to do it.
If you are interested in contributing an article to GREENHOUSE, contact our GREENHOUSE editor at greditor@nche.com. We are open to any content that would be interesting and helpful to the homeschoolers of NC.
Thrive! Conference
The annual conference takes a tremendous amount of work to accomplish.
- Speak at the conference—To apply to speak, fill out the speaker application that is active in November each year.
- Volunteer to serve at the conference—If you would like to volunteer at the conference, you can fill out this volunteer form.
Other Ways to Serve
You may also volunteer to serve NCHE in other ways such as: board member, regional liaison, media, social media, blog writer, website, IT, legislative, marketing, development and more. Here are some current opportunities:
- Regional Liaisons: We are current looking for a liaison for region 1 (see map). Interested? Regional Liaison Application
- Multicultural Liaison: We have one of our multicultural liaison positions open. Interested? Multicultural Liaison Application
- Video editor for social media: Help create clips from The Homeschool Show and upload to social media. If interested, fill out this volunteer form and mark “The Homeschool Show.” (This could fulfill community service requirements for teens!) (Fill out the form below.)
- Graphic design: We need help developing graphics for the various content and events that we promote on social media.
If you are interested in being a part of the NCHE volunteer team, please read our Mission and Core Values and then submit this form.