Community: Locate and Interact with Other Home Educators
The Homeschool Community
NCHE believes that living in community is important for strong homeschools. NCHE tries to promote this community in several different ways.
Facebook Groups
We offer several different Facebook groups that you can be a member of with the focus on special circumstances that you may be in.
Regions and Local Groups
There are many groups of North Carolinians who are working to promote or practice home education. NCHE divides the state into 9 regions. Each region has a director. Find home educators like or near you by county.
Thrive! Conference Gatherings
There are lots of different opportunities to meet other homeschoolers at the NCHE Thrive! Conference. We have gatherings for the different regions as well as for homeschoolers in different circumstances.
NCHE Support Groups
NCHE facilitates several support groups to help parents organize and assist each other with particular interests.