However Imperfectly

However Imperfectly

Fall 2022/Amanda Garner It takes less than sixty seconds on any social media platform to realize how much value our culture places on perfection. With a few taps and swipes, you can find the perfect recipe, the perfect diet, the perfect vacation spot, or the perfect...
Custom Education?

Custom Education?

​ Fall 2021/Dava BannerYes, you can have it! You have the power. Do you have no desire to follow the masses?Do you march to the beat of a different drummer?Do you have a brain and heart full of ideas for your children?Do you want your children to excel?Do you want...
Making Online Work

Making Online Work

Fall 2021/Whitney Crowell In another lifetime, I worked in the marketing industry, where there is a popular saying: “You can have it good. You can have it fast. You can have it cheap. Pick two.” I’ve always had a soft spot for slogans that are pithy and to-the-point...
The Math around You

The Math around You

Fall 2020/ Alexa Carter Despite popular opinion, math is not a creation of evil masterminds plotting the demise of students and mothers everywhere. I often get the feeling from comments I hear and read that many people think that math isn’t a natural part of our...