It seems like an impossible task to both work full time and be an active part of your children’s homeschool experience. Not only is it possible, it is vital to the health of your family and homeschool. This session will explain why, more than ever, dads need to be involved and will motivate you to take the necessary steps to be and stay actively involved.

Casey Samuel Townsend has been speaking and teaching for nearly twenty years in both public and religious sectors. Formerly working as a pastor in a large church setting and speaking to more than a thousand people on Sunday mornings, he now is part of a biblically-based house church made up of only five families. His passion is teaching Christians how to understand and defend their faith using logic, reason and most importantly, the Bible. He and his wife, Casey Lauren Townsend, run a small music store in Southport, NC, in which they hold their homeschool co-op each week, with a variety of subjects taught by both Caseys. Casey Samuel Townsend has a bachelor's degree in music, which he uses to continue teaching music at a local private school and leads their chapel services each week, bringing his passion for biblical truth to every lesson and song. Casey is a second generation homeschool.

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