Teaching the Trades

College isn’t the best post high school gig for everyone. How in the world do you explore the trades with your students—and when? And what are the options if your student is bent that direction? What are some careers that are suited to hands-on learners with an...

I Hated History Too

Why should you spend hours and hours memorizing dates, the names of dead people, and events that happened hundreds and even thousands of years ago? YOU SHOULDN’T! When it comes to studying history—American or world—the most important thing is to think rather than...

Critical Race Theory: A Different Gospel

What is CRT? Does the Church need it as an analytical tool? Not at all. When we trace the origins of this philosophy of man, we find it incompatible with biblical Christianity. In fact, we find it’s a different gospel.  Wil and Meeke Addison are the founders of...

Dealing with Doubt

I never assume all my students are authentic, biblical Christians. The vast majority have grown up in the church and done all the right church things, but that doesn’t make you a believer any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Come join me for an open and...

The Value of Extracurriculars

Academics has its place but extracurriculars add an additional benefit for homeschooled students, especially in the high school years. Highschoolers who are applying for college and scholarships must answer the question—what did you do in addition to getting good...