Rest!? Seriously? How in the world are you supposed to rest in the midst of piles of laundry, meals, homeschooling, outside activities, curriculum decisions, teaching older children while trying to keep your toddlers from swinging from the ceiling fan, not to mention the expectations of others, especially extended family? Maybe one day in a different season of life, right? No! You can choose rest now! Dana wants to help you see how you can choose rest in the midst of all the chaos of daily life and homeschooling and actually enjoy it! Dana will be open about her challenges.

Dana McDill is the wife of NCHE’s executive director, Matthew McDill. They live in Clemmons, NC, with five (ages 18 to 10) of their nine children. Their oldest two children are married, and two others are in college with another one headed there in the fall! She has been homeschooling for 21 years. She loves to come alongside and encourage moms because she knows well the challenges of the journey. She doesn’t claim to be an expert because she knows God is still refining her. She hopes some of the lessons she has learned will help you!

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