We will discuss the benefits of using historical fiction to teach history, using the specific examples of the Little House books (which are based on an actual historical story) and American Girl books (which are based on historical time periods but fictional characters). Workshop attendees will learn how these books can help make history come to life for their students but also how to teach about the differences between the actual history and the fiction.

Debra Haagen has been homeschooling since 2004 and writing both unit studies for Knowledge Box Central and children's books since 2012. Now that she has one child in seminary, one college graduate entering the mission field, one child in college, and just one left at home to finish his senior year, she has taken on a new project with the ownership of the homeschool publishing company Knowledge Box Central! She and her husband, Perry, a retired Navy chaplain/current VA hospital chaplain, divide their time between Tennessee and Pennsylvania. Debra loves homeschooling, music, scrapbooking, reading, writing and American Eskimo dogs. She also loves directing children's choir.

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