Faith of Our Founders

In 1775, Patrick Henry famously said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” The founders of our country were mostly Christian men who understood that liberty meant Christian liberty. But how much was their faith a part of our founding? While secular historians want to...

Teaching AP Classes at Home

Successful AP test scores add oomph to your child’s college application while simultaneously earning them college credit. You can successfully prepare for AP tests at home, even without a co-op, and even without expertise in the subject. Come learn how to tackle these...

A Fast Track to the World of Ideas

Five fake worldviews influence the minds and hearts of people today. Dr. Myers shares shocking data from a joint Summit/Barna Group study that reveals how dedicated Christians are influenced by these worldviews and then explains how to talk about and defend a...

Is Today’s Military Right for My Child?

Serving in the US military is generally considered patriotic and an honorable profession. But how can societal changes reflected in the military impact a parent’s view of military service today? What is involved in serving in the military, and how should parents...