Teaching Reading May Not Be as Easy as You Think

Does your child seem to be faltering in his efforts to learn to read? Is it the curriculum? Is it you? Based on current research, this workshop is designed to help parents better understand the most essential elements of the reading process. You will learn the...

Unhurried Homeschooling: K-2nd Grade

Most people’s definition of “education” is a more formal approach, but the truth is that you’ve been “educating” your child for 5 years already! You are the “expert” when it comes to your child and you will be able to tell when he/she is ready to start reading,...

The Early Years without Tears

Preschoolers and kindergarteners are like sponges, eager and ready to learn, but the lessons and activities must be fun and engaging. In this session, you will learn the importance of reading aloud quality literature to your child, how to incorporate hands-on learning...

Unhurried Homeschooling: Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

The pressure starts before we even hold our babies in our arms: cloth diapering or disposable, store bought baby food or homemade, nurse or bottle feed? We even feel pressured to decide our style of parenting before we have a chance to engage in the role. Feeling...

You Can Lead Them: Building a Habit of Family Discipleship

One way that we disciple and train our children is through the practice of regular family worship. Some have called family worship a “neglected grace.” Making the time to read scripture, pray together and sing some praise songs to God is a powerful and simple tool to...