Programming teaches critical thinking, problem solving skills, troubleshooting and so much more. In this fun and interactive STEM presentation, students learn how to program digital characters to move through a maze to reach a prize. If the character touches any side of the maze the character will have to start over. We’ll end the presentation with a Tech Trivia “quiz” with the audience (prizes awarded!). Attendees of this session will learn the fundamentals of programming, learn how to program a game for free, build knowledge and confidence in the computer science and engineering fields. 

Francie Black has a twenty year progression through technology product training, project management, software development management, and business development. She was the manager of Internet development for a Fortune 500 company in the Los Angeles area. Later, as a senior management consultant, she worked with other Fortune 500 companies as well as early stage tech startups. For six years, Francie hosted the weekly ABC WLOS News “Tech Time” segment and syndicated her tech segments to over 100 television stations across the country. You can see hundreds of her TV segments by searching her name on YouTube. In 2014, she founded Home Hacker Camp, which offers robotics & programming courses, camps and curriculum to youth ( Francie has an undergraduate degree from UNC Charlotte and an MBA from Pepperdine University. She can be reached at

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