In this most fascinating of workshops, you will learn that games can be a fun way to enhance your homeschool journey. We will cover the benefits of gameschooling, how to get started with it and learn how to do it without making your wallet cry. Try gameschooling—because learning should be fun.

Tom Gurganus hails from the windswept desert islands of Durham, NC. Tom is a gaming podcaster and a homeschooling dad that recently graduated his third and last child. During that time, he rekindled his love of games of all types. As a homeschooler, he discovered that he could use these games to educate his kids—win/win situation! Thus, he and Vicky, his wife, were gameschooling before it was cool. Yep, they are trend setters. Now, he travels the lands in his zeppelin, teaching other homeschoolers the joys of learning through games because learning should be fun!

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