As a homeschooling mom, you have an important job! The enemy doesn’t like it! He will attack you with lies, discouragement, guilt, regret, failure, doubts, anxiety and depression. He wants to keep you from God’s calling. One of the hardest things about Dana’s journey has been the battle in her mind. It has robbed her of energy, time, health and the joys of mothering, and made her lose focus on what was important. Learn how to be aware of the battle and how to be victorious in it! You can flourish as a homeschooling mom! You are not a failure. God will use your faithfulness to do great things!

Dana McDill is the wife of NCHE’s executive director, Matthew McDill. They live in Clemmons, NC, with five (ages 18 to 10) of their nine children. Their oldest two children are married, and two others are in college with another one headed there in the fall! She has been homeschooling for 21 years. She loves to come alongside and encourage moms because she knows well the challenges of the journey. She doesn’t claim to be an expert because she knows God is still refining her. She hopes some of the lessons she has learned will help you!

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