I’d like to share this video message with you. If you’d rather read about it, see below.


At the beginning of 2019, NCHE took a bold step of faith when the board hired me (Matthew McDill) to be our full-time executive director. I was a part of that decision making process because I had been serving on the board as a volunteer for five years and over a year as president. We recognized that if we were going to fulfill our mission to help the over 90,000 families in NC homeschool with confidence and joy we were going to need additional full-time staff and leadership that could take us to the next level of effective service. In response to the pandemic this year, even more parents are choosing to homeschool. What an opportunity we have to equip parents for this critical calling!

NCHE has had enough money in savings to make this transition, but our annual income does not meet the additional expense of a new full-time employee. We are working to increase our budget to meet this expense as soon as possible. Like so many others, NCHE ran into a major speed bump this year when we had to cancel our 2020 Thrive! Conference. This was a significant loss of income, and so we are working even harder now to meet this new demanding budget.

We believe that we are pursuing God’s mission for us to help parents homeschool with confidence and joy. We do this by protecting your right to homeschool in NC, equipping you with information and encouragement, and connecting you with other families and groups across the state. We believe that your effort to homeschool is vital to the health of your kids, your family, and our nation. We have expanded our ministry to parents this year in exciting ways and have even bigger plans for 2021.

In this year’s December giving campaign, our goal is to raise $37,157. This amount is 25% of our annual staff budget that we are investing in growing the impact of NCHE. Will you please help us meet this new aggressive budget so that we can keep the homeschool movement strong by empowering and protecting even more homeschool families in NC?
