The pressure starts before we even hold our babies in our arms: cloth diapering or disposable, store bought baby food or homemade, nurse or bottle feed? We even feel pressured to decide our style of parenting before we have a chance to engage in the role. Feeling pushed and pressured is no way to start our parenting journey or our home education. By taking time in the early years to learn to let God lead us, we begin to create the margin that helps give us freedom to be the parents and homeschooling family God has called us to be.

Durenda Wilson has been homeschooling since 1996 and has graduated 7 of her 8 children so far. She has been married to Darryl for 31 years, and they have 6 grandkids. Durenda is convinced that home education is an incredible blessing but only if we don’t let it hold us hostage to unnecessary expectations and notions of what it “should” look like. The heart of her message encourages parents to create a simple, unhurried lifestyle while growing a strong, cohesive family. It’s in this nurturing environment where learning most naturally happens and where life-long learners are grown. Durenda’s new book, The Four Hour School Day will be released in June of 2021! She has also written The Unhurried HomeschoolerA Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Homeschooling and Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart: 31 Days in God’s Word. Durenda is also the host of The Durenda Wilson Podcast.


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