You Can Do It Alone

You Can Do It Alone

Since my daughter, Olivia, was born five years ago, I knew I desperately wanted to homeschool her. I was mortified at the options available in my local school system, and my daughter’s safety was of my highest concern. Once I was able to arrange to work from home, I...
Help Me, I’m Stuck

Help Me, I’m Stuck

7 Dec 2016 Sometimes it’s hard to admit that we may need help with our homeschool. Understandably, we may be overwhelmed with a curriculum choice, lesson plans, need for organization, homeschool itself or the motivation to want to teach. It is during hard times such...
Invisible Disabilities

Invisible Disabilities

7 Oct 2015 We faced a new season in our homeschool this past year as we decided not to return to the co-op we had participated in for a number of years. Although it was a tough decision, it allowed the children and me to participate in a wonderful group called...