Supporting Struggling Readers

Supporting Struggling Readers

Fall 2020/ Sandra Peoples  One fall Friday night during my senior year of high school, I cheered for my friend Wes who was playing tight end. “Go 98!” I yelled. My friend in the bleachers next to me said, “Who is 98? There’s no 98 on the...
Structure or Flexibility?

Structure or Flexibility?

Graduate 2020/ Dava Banner The ideal homeschool schedule has both structure and flexibility. The purpose of a schedule is to help you accomplish the things you think are most important. A schedule also helps you make the most of your time. Your life will usually run...
Marking Memorable Moments

Marking Memorable Moments

Fall 2019 / Debra Bell One of the attractions of homeschooling is the opportunity to seamlessly fuse our children’s education with the rhythms of family life. One of the downsides, I learned, is children are never quite sure where they stand in terms of their...