Life Lessons Learned from Allowances

Life Lessons Learned from Allowances

Fall 2023, by Diane Helfrich There are many philosophies about giving an allowance. Do the kids have to work for what they get? Do they have spending responsibilities? How much do they get? What age do you start giving an allowance? There are a multitude of...
Stuck in the Middle with You

Stuck in the Middle with You

Fall 2023, by Whitney Cranford Crowell When our child is small, we work hard to introduce her to the universe she inhabits. She learns colors and shapes, letters and numbers. She asks hundreds of questions, and because everything is so new, she does some of her best...
Hedges and Homeschooling

Hedges and Homeschooling

Spring 2023/Amanda Garner The arrival of springtime signals the end of another year here at Garner Christian Academy. Spring also means it’s time for yard work once again. Typically, I don’t do much (any) yard work, but when I noticed the bushes looking a little...