The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

The Sunny Mrs. Dorsey

Fall 2018 / by Sarah Hicks When I was in sixth-grade, my science teacher was Mrs. Dorsey. She had blonde hair that looked like cotton candy and a slightly mischievous glint in her eye. Mrs. Dorsey stood on her desk and sang memorization songs about mitosis while...
He Said, She Said

He Said, She Said

Fall 2018 / by John and Amy Sloan What would happen if you asked a dad and a mom the same series of questions about their homeschooling? Would their perspectives be similar or different? My husband and I decided to take on this challenge! When did you first want to...
The Value of Grit

The Value of Grit

Spring 2018 / by Diane Helfrich I retired after homeschooling for fourteen years. Our school graduated two students who moved on to college and then graduate school. Ours was not a perfect journey—far from it. We weathered multiple significant illnesses. We also lived...