Using Historical Fiction to Teach History

Gone are the days of considering history a dry subject about dead people. Homeschooling opens a world of possibility in teaching living history, from field trips on working historical farms to completing lapbooks and projects on our favorite characters. Historical...

What if Your Child Is the Fish that Can’t Climb the Tree?

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” (Albert Einstein) Aha! That’s the moment when you finally hear your child being described, and you don’t feel so alone. What is a...

Teaching Reading May Not Be as Easy as You Think

Does your child seem to be faltering in his efforts to learn to read? Is it the curriculum? Is it you? Based on current research, this workshop is designed to help parents better understand the most essential elements of the reading process. You will learn the...

No Longer Little and Not Quite Teens

The turmoil of the preteen years usually catches parents by surprise. Diligent students become addled and distracted. Kids raised in church start questioning the existence of God. Sweet children climb on an emotional rollercoaster—and invite you to join them. Don’t...

Unhurried Homeschooling: Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

The pressure starts before we even hold our babies in our arms: cloth diapering or disposable, store bought baby food or homemade, nurse or bottle feed? We even feel pressured to decide our style of parenting before we have a chance to engage in the role. Feeling...