Achtung: Warum es zuerst kommt und wie man es kultiviert

The culture and the environment we have created relentlessly assaults our children’s senses and minds. The result is nothing less than a cultural attention deficit. This workshop claims that what we pay attention to and how we pay attention to it are the most...

Zeitpläne – unseren Kindern helfen, glücklich zu sein

One of the absolute greatest gifts we can give our children is a schedule. Studies show that keeping our children on a schedule and creating routines produces stability, calm, trust, discipline and most importantly, happiness. Yes, we’re busy. Yes, we don’t want to be...

Gott und das Problem des Bösen und Leidens

If God really is good and all-powerful as the Bible claims, then why is there so much pain, evil and suffering in the world? Where did evil come from; and why doesn’t God do something about it? This challenge is one of the biggest that Christians face. Whether...

Hausunterricht für Ihr hochbegabtes Kind

When a gifted child’s needs are not being met in a traditional school setting, homeschooling is an important educational option to consider. This presentation will provide an introduction to homeschooling high-ability learners through the lenses of both educational...