“动机是让你开始的动力。习惯是你前进的动力。”如果吉姆·瑞恩的话是正确的,那么我们作为家庭学校家长所养成的习惯就决定了我们是否热爱家庭学校之旅并有动力继续下去,或者我们是否很快就精疲力尽并开始寻找在哪里注册我们的家庭学校。孩子们明天。了解可以帮助您长期享受在家上学的 7 个习惯。

英加马塞克 is a former teacher and administrator turned veteran homeschool mom of 4. After almost hitting burn-out striving to be the perfect homeschool mom, she shifted her focus to the freedom of being an empowered homeschool mom instead. She is passionate about helping other anxious and overwhelmed moms have a biblically grounded mindset, motivation, and mental wellness to teach their children at home confidently.
