You know that tension between what we say we believe and what we actually do? Sometimes it is a healthy gap that we are always working to close. Sometimes it is a gaping chasm of hypocrisy.

One topic for parents that often seems to fall somewhere on this spectrum is discipleship. This is the churchy word for helping our children follow Jesus. Most Christian parents I know would affirm their responsibility to disciple their children and the importance of family Bible reading and prayer. Most would confirm that this is the most important thing for parents to be doing. But what is really happening in our homes?

Wherever you fall on this spectrum of tension regarding discipleship, we would like to help you close the gap. Even if you are consistently taking steps to help your children follow Jesus, we would like to encourage you.


Discipleship at Home Webinar

First, I’d like to let you know about the next NCHE Webinar that is coming up on February 16, 3 pm: Discipleship at Home. In this webinar, we will talk about foundations, some practical strategies, and suggested content for discipleship at home. We will discuss these questions:

  • How do parents transition from discipline (external motivation) to discipleship (internal motivation)?
  • How do parents build a strong relationship with their children?
  • What are some basic strategies for discipleship?
  • What topics should parents discuss when discipling their children? 

If you’d like to join us for this free webinar, you can register here.


 NCHE Blog Posts on Discipleship

Second, I’ve pulled together a list of blog posts that we have offered on the topic of discipleship. 

Resources for Teaching Your Teens to Memorize Scripture

What Is the Ultimate Goal of Education and Parenting?

Capitol Riots, Elections, and Censoring, Oh My!

How to Have Tough Conversations with Your Kids

Help Your Children Develop Their Life Goals


Learning to Rely on the Lord

God gives us an amazing promise in 2 Corinthians 9:8.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that having all sufficiently in all things at all times,
you may abound in every good work.”

The key to being faithful in our responsibility to help our children follow Jesus is not just being more focused and determined. The key to faithfulness is admitting our weakness and learning to depend daily on the abundant grace of God that enables us to abound in every good work!
