즐거운 독서

Relax with a truly gentle approach to teaching reading. Charlotte Mason-style reading lessons include informal play, multi-sensory activities, basic phonics, and enjoyable variety. This simple plan will carry your child from learning the alphabet to building words to...

아빠, 징계 및 에스컬레이션 완화

Dads, it’s tough when your kids don’t listen to you. You may do as I did and replicate my father’s “my way or the highway” fear and intimidation approach. But good discipline should lead to a closer, more trusting relationship. How can you be tough on your kids...

건강하고 행복한 홈스쿨링의 7가지 습관

”Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” If Jim Ryun’s quote is true, then the habits that we create as homeschool parents are the difference between if we love our homeschool journey and have the motivation to keep going on or if we hit...

특별한 도움이 필요한 아동에게 봉사하기

Homeschooling is difficult in any circumstance, but when your children have special needs, this can be even more challenging for parents. Nearly half of learners in American today possesses some form of special need, be it anything from profound cognitive delay,...