NC 하원, 상원 및 거버너스 페이지 프로그램

NC 하원 및 상원 페이지 프로그램

The North Carolina Senate and House of Representatives Page Programs provide the opportunity for students to find out firsthand how laws are made by helping in an individual senator’s or representative’s office. These pages must be in tenth, eleventh or twelfth grades, must be in good academic standing in their schools and sponsored by a Representative or Senator.  Students’ work Monday 1 p.m. through Friday, 5 p.m. of their assigned week.  Students may receive a $150 stipend to help cover their costs for the week. Contact your state representative or senator to begin the application process.

For additional information, please see:
     House Page Program:
     Senate Page Program:

NC 거버너스 페이지 프로그램

NCHE는 매년 한 주를 홈스쿨링 주간으로 지정하고 다른 시간에 스스로 공부하기를 원하는 사람들에게 도움을 제공함으로써 노스캐롤라이나 홈스쿨링 가족의 십대들이 주지사의 페이지 프로그램에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 촉진하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

The Governor’s Page Program provides an opportunity for students (classified as juniors, seniors or recent graduates) to find out first hand about the function/operation of state government. The Governor’s Office page program focuses on professional development, service opportunities and educational experiences in civics and history.  When Governor’s Page Week is an in-person experience, activities include visits and interaction with each of the three branches of government (visiting the State Supreme Court and justice(s); visiting the Legislature and meeting with House and/or Senate members; meeting with representatives of the administrative Cabinet).  For the NCHE group, an effort will be made to include a visit with the Office of Non-Public Education (the “homeschool office”).

The 2024 Governor’s Page Week

주지사 페이지 프로그램의 목적은 고등학생들이 시민, 역사, 서비스 및 전문성 개발 분야에서 성장하도록 돕는 것입니다.

The dates for the 2024 NCHE Governor’s Page week are currently being finalized.  For additional information and a personal contact, connect with Page Program Coordinator Erinn Foot at or 또는 919-814-2069로 전화하십시오. 참가 인원은 15명으로 제한됩니다.

모든 페이지는 주 4일 동안 제공됩니다: 월요일, 오후 1-4시; 화요일/수요일/목요일, 오전 9시-오후 4시

There is a dress code. Pages are expected to dress in conservative, non-distracting attire and comfortable shoes (as there is a good bit of walking.)

A $200 stipend is provided by the Governor’s office to help defray travel expenses for the week.

For additional information about the Governor’s Page Program, please see:

Questions about these programs can also be addressed to NCHE Activities Director Evelyn Bickley at
