Den Kampf ums Lesen überleben

What do you do when it’s not that easy? When reading isn’t happening when you thought it would? Our son didn’t learn to read well until he was eleven (writing and spelling came even later), but now he’s excelling in college. This encouraging session discusses how to...

Familiengottesdienst als Eckpfeiler der häuslichen Erziehung

Family worship takes place when the household breaks from the routines of normal daily life and gathers together for a time of deliberate and purposeful worship of God; it’s the cornerstone of education in our household. Shawn Curtis is from Rochester, NY, and married...

Sie sind der beste Berater für Ihre Schüler

Most parents know their children better than they know themselves. We are in a unique position to help guide our students academically, socially and spiritually. But, often, we feel ill-equipped when it comes to high school guidance and preparing our teens for the...