Elf Leidenschaften eines Homeschool-Veteranen

After twenty-five years of homeschooling, what does this homeschool veteran see as the most important advice to pass along to those still in the trenches of parenting and homeschooling? Debbie will share her eleven convictions and concerns about homeschooling. She...

Homeschooling: Präferenz oder Überzeugung?

Why do you homeschool? When your children are grown, what will define success for you? What is a biblical philosophy of education? This workshop will help you to focus on what is really important. Israel will share with you what has helped his family avoid burnout and...

Geschaffen, um Schöpfer zu sein

This talk teaches parents the importance of integrating art into their curriculum and gives parents ideas and resources for teaching art at home. Since we are all created in the image of God the Creator, we are also creators. Using biblical examples, she explains the...

Ist Jesus der einzige Weg zu Gott?

„Es gibt viele Wege zu Gott. Warum glauben Christen also, dass ihr Weg der einzige ist?“ „Christen sind arrogante, intolerante Fanatiker, die denken, sie hätten Recht und alle anderen hätten Unrecht.“ Dies sind nur einige der Herausforderungen, denen Sie begegnen werden, wenn Sie über Jesus sprechen ...