Lehren des Handwerks

College isn’t the best post high school gig for everyone. How in the world do you explore the trades with your students—and when? And what are the options if your student is bent that direction? What are some careers that are suited to hands-on learners with an...

Lernschwierigkeiten in Mathe? Keine Herausforderung mehr!

Teaching math is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges, and you may end up becoming discouraged and be tempted to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are not alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or...

Homeschooling aus der Sicht eines Homeschoolees

This workshop is designed as an opportunity to showcase the perspectives of 3 homeschool alumni (ages 27, 23, 20) and 1 current homeschool student (age 14). Prospective and experienced homeschool parents can get an inside scoop on what homeschooling is from the...

How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online—Tech Tools & Tips

How much time does your child spend online? What sites are they visiting? Hear about the pros & cons of various technologies and free solutions to help monitor your child’s online activity. There are hundreds of choices. What is good & easy? You will get hours...