Kuss Familie Hingabe Ausreden Auf Wiedersehen!

his talk will discuss challenges and solutions to have effective daily family biblical devotions. We will discuss the obstacles, challenges and excuses discovered from interviewing over 8,000 families. We will give practical examples that will get you on track! Glenn...

Inspirieren des Schriftstellers in Ihrem Kind

In this fun and inspiring workshop, Cheryl, a columnist, author and freelance writer shares ways she has motivated reluctant homeschoolers to become proactive writers. This workshop is based on her teaching writing in her homeschool co-op and her children’s freelance...

Sie können ein großartiger Mathelehrer sein

Maybe you struggled with math, so how do you choose a curriculum to avoid the same fate for your child? Maybe you are really good in math but are unsure how to teach it now? Should you include manipulatives or not? What does it take to be the best teacher for your...

Arbeiten + Homeschooling (Wie ist das möglich?)

Are you trying to homeschool, keep up with your house, fit in your job, and find time for yourself? How do you juggle it all when you are doing practically three full-time jobs at once? If you are working (or considering how feasible it might be), this session is for...