Conflict creates heartache for both student and teacher. Is every day a battle? Has it become a struggle of wills? While there are no magic formulas, veteran Steve Lambert offers some ideas to help you and your student forge a positive relationship where learning can flourish and you enjoy one another’s company. Steve and his wife began homeschooling 35 years ago and he brings the freedom that comes with age and perspective. You’ll find hope for the journey and ideas for your daily routine. Learn to make homeschooling the joyous experience you dreamed it could be. 

史蒂夫·兰伯特 (Steve Lambert) 和他的妻子简 (Jane) 结婚 52 年,育有两个女儿和六个孙辈。他们于 1981 年开始在家上学,如今,他们的六个孙子也都在家上学。简·克莱尔·兰伯特 (Jane Claire Lambert) 编写了屡获殊荣的课程“连续五个课程”,二十多年来,他们一起走遍全国,鼓励在家上学的学生。每年史蒂夫都会与成千上万的在家上学的人交谈,提供在家上学领域近四十年来的观点、智慧和洞察力。史蒂夫将灵感和信息融为一体,将使您为我们称之为在家上学的奇妙冒险做好更充分的准备。没有 PowerPoint 演示文稿或厚厚的讲义,史蒂夫只是发自内心地分享,讲述的故事会让你又笑又哭,并感谢你得到的无价礼物:以信念和信心教导自己的孩子的特权。
