21 May 2014

Finishing the homeschool race well means finishing.

Now, this does not mean that you have to finish every book, conversation, subject, or project. We all have lots of unfinished projects and business and books in our lives.

Finishing implies, though, that we prepare our hearts and minds to let our children go. When the moment arrives, let them walk out the door.

I’ve thought a lot about this, because I’ve had to let all three of my children go to live their own lives, to fulfill their own dreams, to walk the paths the Lord has set out for them.

And, I tell you the truth, it’s not easy. Once you get to the point that they are young adults, when the conversations are fascinating and in-depth, when they have become such a vital part of your home (and workforce!), it is incredibly wrenching to let them go.

But, here’s the deal. Though God gave you the precious privilege of being a steward of these children for a few short years, at the end of the day, they do not belong to you. They are His creation, His children, and He has a plan and a purpose for them that is beyond your comprehension.

And, in order for them to step out onto that path, they need to step out the door—and keep going.

To finish well, one word of advice: Imagine your little children as fully functioning adults, living outside of your home. What you say to them today—and how you say it—will impact the relationship you have with them as adults. I want to encourage you to enjoy them, to like them, to delight in them now. It pays huge dividends when they are grown!

Diana Waring is the author of Beyond Survival, Reaping the Harvest and History Revealed world history curriculum. Diana discovered years ago that the key to education is relationship. Diana started homeschooling in the early ’80s and homeschooled her children through high school. This experience provided her the real life opportunities to learn how kids learn. Mentored by educators whose focus was honoring Him, the creator of all learners, and with an international background (born in Germany, university degree in French, lifelong student of world history), Diana cares about how people learn as well as what they learn. Audiences on four continents have enthusiastically received her energetic speaking style.
