Stay the Course

Stay the Course

Spring 2018 / by Donna Mariucci As I prepare to graduate our third child from our homeschool in May, I am keeping in the forefront of my mind the advice I heard from more than one seasoned homeschool mom over the last sixteen years. Stay the course. This Christmas...
The Simplest Truths Are the Most Profound

The Simplest Truths Are the Most Profound

11 Jan 2017 I remember many years ago hearing one of my relatives talk about his associate pastor in another city who was leaving to take a church somewhere else. “He’s the smartest man I have ever heard when it comes to the Bible,” my relative said. “He speaks...
Invisible Disabilities

Invisible Disabilities

7 Oct 2015 We faced a new season in our homeschool this past year as we decided not to return to the co-op we had participated in for a number of years. Although it was a tough decision, it allowed the children and me to participate in a wonderful group called...
Trusting God in the Process

Trusting God in the Process

30 Sep 2015 I recently went to a homeschool coffee social with new and seasoned homeschool moms. It was rewarding to go as an encourager. I hadn’t realized that somehow over the last fifteen years, I had gone from a novice homeschool mom to being seasoned....
Teaching the Important Stuff

Teaching the Important Stuff

16 Sep 2015 Most homeschool families desire to teach the principles of God to their children so that they grasp, and eventually own, their own faith—they get it, when it comes to following Jesus Christ. Therefore, for many homeschool families, one of the principal...