편부모 장학금 신청서

자격을 갖춘 한부모가 컨퍼런스에 무료로 참석할 수 있도록 제한된 수의 장학금이 제공됩니다.

장학금을 신청하려면:

장학금은 기금에 따라 수여되며 공간이 제한되어 있습니다.

마감일은 3월 31일입니다.

Thrive! Single Parent Registration and Scholarship Application


If you want to bring your children, please supply names and ages of children (age 2 and over) who will be attending the conference with you.

Your sponsoring organization (church/local homeschool group) and name of leader (pastor/group leader). This will facilitate the processing of your application. The NCHE Single Parent Conference scholarships are available to people who serve and are in good standing in community. As a part of the application process your sponsoring organization must complete the Single Parent Scholarship Reference Form and send it to NCHE. If you are not currently involved with an organization, you may give an explanation of your current situation in this space.

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