Are you feeling overwhelmed with all your children’s individual interests and needs? Are you daunted by the mountain of curriculum and amazing programs you have picked out? Come listen to a homeschool mom of five as she shares her testimony of when God asked her to hit the reset button in her home. From finding a routine to hacking the education model, and teaching all her children together, Rebecca has found the picture she thought she had to give up on: finding a love of learning, connecting as a family, and God in the center of it all.

Rebecca Spooner is a second generation homeschool mom of 5, author of More than Words Bible curriculum and Gather ‘Round Homeschool, international speaker and popular blogger at She is married to an RCMP (Canadian police) officer and lives in a frozen tundra (okay, it only snows half the year) in Northern BC, Canada. She is passionate about sharing real life and the message that this homeschooling life is messy and wonderful and challenging and most importantly—possible. Come join her in the midst of her chaos. She doesn’t promise to have it all together; she promises to give you hope, laughter and permission to make mistakes and know you are not alone, and this is worth the cost.

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