Why I’m Passionate about Unschooling

6 Nov 2013 My name is Melissa, and I’m an unschooler. I will admit that I’m more comfortable saying that now than I ever have been. These days nobody blinks at the idea of homeschooling. But I usually get some sort of reaction to telling people that we unschool....
Homeschooling and Adoption

Homeschooling and Adoption

23 Oct 2013 Do you love children? Of course, you do. That is one of the reasons you are homeschooling. Is there a nagging thought in your head or a tugging in your heart that you should grow your family through adoption? Why in the world would you think about adopting...
Learning in the Autumn

Learning in the Autumn

16 Oct 2013 One of the freedoms I cherished most about homeschooling was that my kids could discover the adventure of learning rather than the boredom of school. To actually break through the bonds of boredom and into that learning adventure, however, may require some...