I sat down with Steve Demme, creator of Math-U-See, this week for an interview. I asked him to share with us some tips for teaching math.
Some of the most important points that he shares in this short clip are:
- Math is sequential, so it is important to find out where your children are and start there. You can find out where they are by using placement tests or just working with your students.
- Don’t be discouraged if they don’t know what you think they should. Help them establish the missing parts before moving forward.
- Don’t be discouraged if they do not have the same understanding as other children their age. It is OK for older children to review and strengthen more basic math when they need to.
- Allow your students to move at their own pace. Again, do not allow the performance of other children to rush or hinder the pace that your children can learn. Homeschooling gives you the freedom to do this. Enjoy it!
You can watch the full interview and get YOUR questions answered in our upcoming webinar with Steve Demme on September 1. Sign up to join for FREE!