by Debbie Mason and Matthew McDill, July 2021

There are so many wonderful reasons to homeschool! Here are ten of our favorites. Keep an eye out for upcoming blog posts that discuss each of these more in-depth. [Links to these will be added at the bottom of this post.]

1. Parents determine what is taught

Many parents these days are choosing to homeschool their children because of what is being taught in public schools. Inappropriate content and the agenda of the sexual revolution is being pushed in many schools through sex education and other subjects. Many parents also do not want subjects taught from the perspective of evolution or critical race theory. When homeschooling, parents get to decide the morals and worldview from which to teach and what materials to use in teaching them.

2. Emphasis on learning and love of learning

Homeschool parents do not have to focus on making the grade or passing tests. Instead, the focus can be on encouraging real learning, not just regurgitating the answers. In this context, children can develop a love of learning and the skill of learning on their own

3. Individualized instruction

When homeschooling, a child’s education can be organized around his or her individual development, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Children are not forced to perform skills such as reading, writing and math before they are developmentally ready. At the same time, they have the freedom to move as fast as they can through subjects at which they excel.

4. Real-life learning

When we learn things in the context of real life, those lessons are much better retained than when they are learned through worksheets and testing. Homeschooling provides many more opportunities for students to learn through real-life activities such as cooking, writing letters, woodworking,shopping, and preparing a budget.

5. Academic success

Homeschool students score better on achievement tests than students in institutional schools. They score higher on the SAT and ACT tests and are being actively recruited by colleges. Studies show that homeschooled students are also socially, emotionally, and psychologically more stable and mature than other students. They go on to be more successful in college and function more effectively as adults within their communities. (See Research Facts on Homeschooling by Dr. Brain Ray.)

6. Creativity stimulated and encouraged

Homeschool students are allowed more time to pursue their interests and express creativity. They can be given more space to explore and experiment with things instead of being stifled by trying to do things the “right way.” Creativity can be developed in the areas of problem solving and critical thinking skills, in addition to the arts and traditional forms of communication.

7. Flexibility

Homeschool parents can teach at any time of the day and on any days they choose. This makes it easy to work school time around parents’ work schedules and the children’s extra curricular activities. Families can also go on vacation any time of the year. In addition to flexibility with time, parents can change the daily schedule, materials, and curriculum when adjustments are needed.

8. Positive socialization and character development

Parents do not want their children exposed to the intense pressure of sex, drugs, violence, and pornography that they encounter in public school peers. Homeschooled children are influenced more by their parents than their peers. Parents can teach them positive social skills, such as how to love others, be unselfish, and get along with others. Parents are free to teach and encourage character that aligns with their faith and worldview. Also, homeschooled children  usually spend more time with people from various age groups and are therefore better able to get along with people besides their peers.

9. Sharing of faith and values

Christian parents (and those from other faiths) are able to give more time to teaching the Bible and the content and values of their faith. They do not have to expend a lot of energy trying to understand and combat what is taught in schools, which is commonly opposed to the family’s beliefs and values. In addition, as the family spends more time together, parents have the opportunity to present a strong example of living out their faith.

10. Strong family life and relationships

Homeschool families usually develop closer relationships because they spend more time together. The children have more time and more incentive to get along with their siblings and often build strong relationships that last a lifetime. They also have more opportunities to build a trusting and respectful relationship with their parents. The family is the most basic unit in our society and strong families are the foundation of a strong society.


Reasons to Homeschool Blog Posts
